This report by Asian Development Bank (ADB) deals with sanitation in India, in particular the progress, differentials, correlates, and challenges. Improved sanitation is essential to reduce ill health, child mortality, lost income associated with morbidity, and to improve environment, human dignity, and quality of life. Goal 7, target 3 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) stipulates decreasing the proportion of population without sustainable access to basic sanitation by 50 per cent in the year 2015.
To achieve time-bound results committed under the MDGs, public resources need to be deployed effectively in tandem with private resources. To be effective, public policy needs to be evidence-based, while empirically driven research can support more effective public policy making and more efficient public expenditure. This empirical research, based on large-scale data sets, highlights several key findings that can help fine-tune efforts to improve sanitation in India.
The discussion on progress, differentials and correlates indicate the following -
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