The wells brim with water in drought-prone Gujarat

This article documents the work of a peasant, Mr. Bhanjibhai Mathukiya, who constructed check dams to enable the well in Jungadh district brim with water.
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THE WELLS of Kalawad village in Junagadh district, Gujarat brim with water. The reason — construction of check dams by a peasant, Mr. Bhanjibhai Mathukiya.Till a few years ago, the drought-prone village forced many of its farmers to abandon agriculture.“Today, most of the wells brim with water and farmers are able to grow their crops without any fear of water shortage, thanks to the three check dams constructed by Mr. Bhanjibhai,” says Mr. Mahesh Patel, Chief Innovation Manager, Gujarat Grassroots Innovations Augmentation Network, (GIAN).

Easy replicability: Bhanjibhai Mathukiya, Gujarat farmer standing in front of his checkdam.
The wells brim with water in drought-prone Gujarat

Easy replicability: Bhanjibhai Mathukiya, Gujarat farmer standing in front of his checkdam.

Semi circular arches

Explaining the construction of his dam Mr. Bhanjibhai says:

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