
Content Library: Groundwater management

Author : ForWater Collaborative

Participatory GroundWater Management (PGWM) - at its core believes in weaving together scientific and traditional groundwater management methods and making communities the champion of their water resources. 

The ForWater Collaborative, a collective of Premier Institutions working on water security issues in the country has compiled simple to understand, video content on PGWM - that explains complex concepts and technical processes in the form of 5-10 min videos. This Library of content is useful for practitioners of PGWM - Community, NGO and governments. 

How to use the content library:

1) Content on groundwater management is arranged per program lifecycle on this grid - starting from sensitisation and awareness generation to monitoring and evaluation.

2) You can sort through the content, search for keywords and filter by conditions that are appropritate for your programme (e.g. Stakeholder/ language).

3) Do you want to contact an expert whose content you like? Write to them - their Email Ids will be on the content piece, else write to us at and we will put you in touch.

4) Content belongs to the organisations that are acknowledged in the column - produced by, please ensure attribution back to these organisations when you use the content. 


6) Please Note: Airtable is best viewed on a Laptop/ PC - the mobile views will not allow search and filter.