The act provides for farmer's participation in the management of irrigation systems and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The act provides for the delineation of Water Users Association area on a hydraulic basis, which may be administratively viable. Every Water Users Associations area shall be divided into territorial constituencies, which shall not be less than four, but shall not be more than ten, as may be prescribed.
The Water Users Association shall perform the following functions, namely:
The Rajasthan Farmers Participation in Management of Irrigation Systems Act (2000) provides for farmers participation in the Management of Irrigation System and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The act provides for the delineation of water users' area and territorial constituencies. The Project Authority may, by notification delineate every command area under each of the irrigation systems on a hydraulic basis which may be administratively viable and declare it to be a water users area for the purpose of this Act. Every water users' area shall be divided into territorial constituencies which shall not be less than four but not more than ten, as may be prescribed.
The objects of the Farmers' Organisation shall be to promote and secure distribution of water among its users, adequate maintenance of the irrigation system, efficient and economical utilisation of water to optimize agricultural production, to protect the environment, and to ensure ecological balance by involving the farmers, including a sense of ownership of the irrigation system in accordance with the water budget and the operational plan.
The Water Users' Association shall perform the following functions, namely -
The Orissa pani panchayat act (2002) aims to provide for farmers participation in the management of irrigation systems. The Act deals with the Farmers’ Organisation and gives an overall picture on the delineation of water users area as pani panchayat and constitution of pani panchayat.
It further describes the election of members of chak committee and that of the president and members of the executive committee of pani panchayat. Here, the policy talks about the eligibility criteria for membership, arrangement for all the elections and powers and functions of the executive committee.
In the clause of the delineation of distributary area and constitution of distributary committee, the policy mentions the role of the Chief Engineer in the process and the formation of the distributary committee and its constituents, the government’s role in nominating a member from amongst its functionaries, and the terms of the committee.
The policy then mentions of the election of president, secretary, treasurer and constitution of executive committee of distributary committee, the delineation of project area and constitution of project committee, election of president and constitution of the executive committee of the project committee and formation of a state level committee.
It also covers the procedure for recall of a president of a farmers’ organisation, constitution of sub-committees in farmers' organisation, farmers’ organisation to be a body corporate with a distinct name and capacity of entering into contracts and of doing all things necessary, role of the competent authority to make changes in farmers’ organisation, disqualification criteria for candidature or memberships of the farmers’ organisation, and conditions and procedures for filling up of vacancies that arise due to any reason.
The Maharashtra Management of Irrigation Systems by Farmers Act (2005) was enacted with the following objectives to -
The act deals with the delineation of areas under management of irrigation system by farmers and the supply of water to land under management of irrigation. Water from the canal system shall be supplied to the Water Users’ Associations (WUAs) at various levels, from tail to head on bulk basis measured volumetrically as per their water entitlements by Canal Officer or upper level Water Users’ Association, as the case may be.
The rates for supply of water to a Water Users' Association shall be on the volumetric basis measured at the point of supply. The Appropriate Authority shall have the power to levy the minimum charges as prescribed to Water Users' Association if water is not demanded or used for irrigation by Water Users' Association in a season as per the Applicable Entitlement.
The act facilitates the formation of farmers organization by delineating every command area under each of the irrigation systems on a hydraulic basis. The objectives of the farmers' organisation shall be to promote and secure distribution of water among its users, adequate maintenance of the irrigation system, efficient and economical utilisation of water to optimise agricultural production, to protect the environment, and to ensure ecological balance by involving the farmers.
The Water Users' Association shall perform the following functions, namely-
An act to provide for farmers participation in the management of irrigation system and related matters was approved by the State legislative assembly in March 2006. The old Act "Chhattisgarh Sinchai Prabandhan Me Krishkon Ki Bhagidari Adhiniyam 1999" was repealed after enacting the new act.
The act explains the constitution of farmers organization and delineation of command area, in particular the delineation of water user’s area/ distributary area/ project area and constitution of Water Users Association, Distributary Committee and Project Committee.
The farmers’ organisation under the act may decide to federate and form a state level farmers federation to facilitate interactions of the state government and non government organizations with the farmers, to support farmers participation in management of irrigation systems and further to coordinate and deal with allied activities relating to irrigated agriculture. Furthermore, the State Government may be notification, constitute a Policy Committee.
The objects, powers and functions of the farmers’ organization are clearly laid out. The act has sections on - funds and resources of farmers organization, offences and penalties, settlement of disputes etc.,
Participatory irrigation management was initiated in Andhra Pradesh with the enactment of Andhra Pradesh Farmers Managed Irrigation Systems (APFMIS) Act in 1997. The reforms focused on the constitution of a three-tier management system controlled by water-users to reduce government management of irrigation systems.
The act created Water User Associations as independent legal entities at the minor (tertiary) canal level. They were comprised of all the water users who are land holders (including tenants) in a water users’ area. Apart from this at the distributary (secondary) level there were the Distributary Committees and Project Committees (at project level).
The District Collector may by notification and in accordance with the rules made under this Act, in this behalf delineate, every command area under each of the irrigation systems on a hydraulic basis which may be administratively viable; and declare it to be a water users' area for the purpose of this Act provided that in respect of the command area under the minor and lift irrigation systems, the entire command area may, as far as possible, form a single water users' area.
Every water users' area shall be divided into territorial constituencies, which shall not be less than four but not more than ten, as may be prescribed. The act then deals with the –