
J&K mulls mini dams for irrigation

Sabita Kaushal

J&K govt to construct ‘mini dams’ for irrigation

The government of Jammu and Kashmir is planning construction of water storage facilities on the tributaries of the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab rivers to increase agriculture productivity in the kandi areas and on the plateaus. Officials insist that they are within the rights under the Indus Water Treaty to do so, quantifying the annual loss due to the absence of water storage facilities on western rivers to Rs 6,000 crore.

World Bank to invest Rs 1000 crore in Assam

Assam’s age old inland water transport system is set to get a major face lift with the World Bank agreeing to invest Rs 1000 crore in this neglected sector. The money is to be utilised for the development of jetties (ghats) on the river banks. This project is expected to infuse new lease of life into the inland water transport system in the state. 

Vembanad lake may vanish in 50 years: Study

Kerala’s Vembanad Lake, the largest wetland system in the country, may no longer exist in another 50 years, according to a recent study. It was found that urbanisation, pollution and reclamation had whittled the water mass down by 40 percent in area and 65 percent in depth.

Chennai’s bloating dumpyard sounds death knell for marsh

Chennai’s Perungudi dumpyard expansion towards the Pallikaranai marshland is leading to gradual blockage of the channel that drains stormwater from the city. The extending dumping site is blocking the flow of water from the southern hubs, even as the civic body is yet to take action to prevent the dangerous spread of the dumpyard in the marsh.

Large amount of sewage flows into rivers untreated every day: CPCB

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) submitted a report to National Green Tribunal which states that 63 percent of all sewage flowing into rivers every day in urban centres is untreated. The 816 sewage treatment plants spread across the country have the capacity to treat less than 50 percent of sewage generated. It also stated that there are 302 polluted river stretches on 275 rivers, which are along the 35 metropolitan cities and 615 other urban centres. 

This is a roundup of important news from September 26 - October 2, 2016. Also read last week's policy matters.