
ACT International, Goonj, Oxfam India gear up for relief work; warn about water and sanitation risks in flood affected areas

Goonj, Oxfam India

Oxfam India has sent teams to survey and gauge the situation in flood affected areas. They point out that as these are mostly arid areas, they are particularly ill-prepared to deal with floods.

Read the full article here:  http://bit.ly/OME0a

ACT International, a consortium of church and other organisations is gearing up for relief work in the South India floods.

Read more at their website: http://www.act-intl.org/alerts.php?uid=105

Goonj is one organisation collecting relief items (clothes, food etc) in the city.  Others include Indian Disabled League and Volunteers of Socialist Unity in India.

Read how they are working towards flood relief: