
Flood Assessment Report of Mahabubnagar District - II


Now that the media has stopped taking interest in the devastating floods that made news in early October, you must be wondering what must have happened to the people who were badly affected by the floods !

We have brought out a report (actually, it was prepared 2 weeks ago), to highlight some of the issues that are of immediate interest (after the initial euphoria) to the people. Please find it enclosed.

Perhaps, later this month, we might develop (and share it with you) a plan for rehabilitation of weavers (of the famous Gadwal sarees). We are also thinking of taking up the residual activities (after what the government and other agencies are giving the weavers) in the field on a long-term basis, as there is a lot of scope for modernising the activity of the weavers.

Please feel free to share this report with who ever is interested.