Drinking Water

Briefing papers on ‘Jal kothis’, ‘Matka filter’, 'Dug wells' and ‘Phayedemand shauchalaya’: Local innovative solutions in flood prone Bihar by Megh Pyne Abhiyan (2011)

Megh Pyne Abhiyan (MPA)

The briefing papers include the following:

Jal Kothis: A locally innovative rainwater storage structure in flood affected areas

Jal Kothi

To overcome this, Megh Pyne Abhiyan, a campaign and functional network, began work on a project to provide clean drinking water during floods in a few districts of Bihar.  In collaboration with Savera  and Water Action groups, the idea was to collect rainwater and use it for drinking and cooking. Initial trials included plastic and mud containers, but were discontinued due to problems of odour, pollution and easy breakage.

The long term solution was to create a water container that would store water for a greater period of time. Experiments were carried out and the existing age old grain storage structure was innovated and modified into a rainwater storage facility now known as ‘Jal Kothi’.

Various designs with varying storage capacity and raw materials have been developed locally with the help of skilled craft persons and masons. The construction procedure and materials required are detailed in this paper.

These locally innovative ‘Jal Kothis’ not only allow flood affected people to store clean water in sufficient amount but also provides employment opportunities to local craftsmen.

Click here to read the full briefing paper

Matka Filter: An indigenous solution to iron contaminated water in Bihar

Matka Filter

A local technique to gauge presence of iron in water was known, but the actual contamination level could not be ascertained. A survey with the help of ‘ Development Alternatives’ was carried out to measure this . Based on the findings the necessity of iron free water was felt.

A modified ‘Matka’ filter was the outcome of this study which had the advantage of following a local technique along with providing iron free water. This specially designed mud water filter is made out of locally available clay, sand, charcoal and brick .The demand for matka filters has provided the local potters with an opportunity to strengthen their traditional livelihood practice .

The materials required, construction techniques and expenses involved are all described in the paper. The advantages and precautions to be taken have also been detailed.

Click here to read complete briefing paper

Phayedemand Shauchalaya: Design and technical details of a beneficial toilet

Dug wells- A potential safe source of drinking water for arsenic and iron contaminated region in north Bihar 

Dug Well

Arsenic contamination of groundwater has been recognised by Megh Pyne Abhiyan (MPA) in 15 districts of north Bihar. The contamination has profound impact on human health that hampers people’s productivity and thereby affecting their livelihood. MPA has collaborated with Advanced Centre for Groundwater Development and Management (ACWADAM), Biome Solutions, Development Alternatives (DA) to understand the groundwater dynamics of the region that includes issues of water quality and its linkages to drinking water and sanitation. The details of this project is elaborated in the paper.

Click here to read the full briefing paper.
