Drinking Water

The poisoned landscapes of Punjab

Anil Kishore Sinha, Tejinder Kaur

Punjab, riding high on pesticides

Pesticide use continues to be very high in agriculture in India, where estimated annual production losses due to pests amount to approximately US$ 42.66 million per year. Pesticides are chemical compounds that kill pests such as insects, rodents, fungi and unwanted plants (weeds) and mainly include insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. Insecticides form the highest share of total pesticide use in India.

<p>The <a href="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncap.res.in%2Fupload_files%2Fpolicy_brief%2Fpb43.pdf" target="_blank">consumption of pesticides has risen considerably</a> in India over the past decade - in 2014-15 it was almost 50% higher than in 2009-10. <h3>That's a 50% spike in pesticide use in a span of just 5 years.</h3></p>

While Punjab is the third highest consumer of pesticides after Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, the per hectare consumption of pesticides is the highest in Punjab followed by Haryana and Maharashtra.

Killers not just for pests

Research shows that pesticides can contaminate soil, water, the air and vegetation. In addition to killing insects or weeds that harm crops, pesticides can be toxic to birds, fish, insects and plants. Heavy pesticide use can cause a decline in beneficial microorganisms in the earth, leading to poor soil quality in the long run. Pesticide sprays can also spread rapidly through the air, posing risks to areas far away from the actual field of application. and they can reach surface water through runoff from treated plants and soil. Pesticides also pollute groundwater by leaching downwards or vertically through the soil, thus insidiously entering the food chain. Groundwater pollution due to pesticides is a serious problem because it can take many years for the contamination to dissipate.

Pesticide residues can include heavy metals that are released into the water, soil and the food chain. Studies show that long term consumption of food and water containing heavy metals can be extremely harmful to human health, causing damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys and other vital organs. It can also lead to a number of physical, muscular and neurological degenerative diseases. Repeated and long-term contact with some heavy metals or their compounds can negatively affect the endocrine and reproductive systems and eventually cause cancer.

Malwa, the pesticide hub of Punjab

The Malwa region of Punjab consumes nearly 75 percent of the total pesticides used in the state. The high use of pesticides, along with environmental and social factors, is suspected to have led to a high concentration of pesticide residues in the water, soil and food chain, threatening the health of the local population and the environment in the region.

<p style="color: #660000;">The region has been described as India’s<a href="https://www.businessinsider.in/the-shocking-tale-of-indias-cancer-train/articleshow/52690219.cms" target="_blank"> "cancer capital" due to the abnormally high number of cancer cases</a>, which have increased 3-fold in the last 10 years. Studies of this region have also highlighted a sharp increase in intellectual disability and reproductive disorders, suspected to be due to pesticide use. </p>

However, very few studies have attempted to explore the impact of pesticides on the environment, food, vegetables and water in the area and its connection with the debilitating health problems faced by the local people.

This study from two villages in Malwa region - Arnetu of Patiala District and Wallipur of Ludhiana District of Punjab - titled “Pesticides in agricultural runoffs affecting water resources: A study of Punjab (India)” published in the journal Agricultural Sciences, aimed at assessing:

  • Pesticide use and its frequency among the farmers in the two villages;
  • Levels of pesticide concentrations in runoff from fields, rivers and streams, and 
  • Health impact on the residents.

The study found that:

<p>While pesticides have been useful in increasing agricultural productivity, their hazardous impacts on the health and environment are becoming more and more obvious. Evidence from India shows that <a href="https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/agriculture/vidarbha-s-toxic-trail-59173" target="_blank">lack of information, awareness and training among farmers on safe use of pesticides</a>, lack of effective rules and regulations and bans on dangerous pesticides, direct delivery of unapproved pesticides to farmers from the private markets further increases the risk of pesticides for the environment and health.</p>

Better pesticide management laws and their strict implementation and encouraging use of alternative practices like organic farming and use of bio pesticides like neem and plant-based formulations like Repline, Neemark and Indene can go a long way in preventing the negative impacts of pesticides on the health and environment.

<p><h3>The paper can be accessed <a href="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.scirp.org%2Fpdf%2FAS_2019102815211713.pdf" target="_blank">here</a></h3></p>