Barmer district is situated at the 71° 23' East Longitude and 25° 45' North Latitude in west of state Rajasthan and country India. Total area is 28387 km2. Even 1% of this area can produce 24GWh electrical energy per year. The average sun shines for 340 days a year. The Sun gives light energy @ 1KW per square meter at 25 ° cell (solar cell) temperature and 1.5 air mas The solar insolation is 2400KWh per year. This means that if we install 1KW solar power plant at home, we can get energy of 2400KWh per year. This amount of energy is sufficient for average house hold. Besides this small power plant we can construct big plants in the range of 1MW to 500MW or more. These big plants can be grid connected for further supply to destinations. Though the energy cost of generated electricity is Rs.15/- per KWh, but it is pollution free energy. 1KW solar plant saves 0.8tones carbon. The solar energy is not only environmental friendly, but it also generates employments. The land owners can be made partner for that power plant.The secret of solar power plant is that it can be constructed in 1KW, 2Kw, -----1MW, 10MW ,100MW and so on
There are two types of solar plants.
Stand alone system is independent system which generates electrical energy from photovoltaic cells. This can be installed on home's roof to fulfill the requirement of home owner. It consist of solar panels, deep cycle batteries for power back up, inverters, charge controllers & power panel etc. The part of system other than solar panel is called B.O.S(Balance of system).The grid connected system is the same as stand alone system but it has no back-up batteries, the electricity is generated and sent to electric grid. One can use also back flow meter to sell the excess amount of energy at day time and receive back when there is no sun, in night or cloudy season. Commercially grid connected systems are of two types. 1. Photovoltaic 2. Solar thermal. The photovoltaic is described as above, but the solar thermal power plant is different one. It uses parabolic concentrated glasses, a liquid passes through it and heated to 600°centigrade, this temperature produces super heated steam and power is generated from steam turbines just like fossil power plants. .
It is useful small houses for lighting purposes, water pump sets. It can be installed on the roof of house or ground. It consists of :- .
1 Solar panels made of mono crystalline or poly crystalline silicon cells 1000Watt.
2 Deep cycle battery 500AH
3 Combiner box
4 Charge controller
5 Inverter
6 Grounding
7 Utility circuits A.C and D.C
<ol><li>Rs.12/- rebate for 1KWh for photovoltaic power plant.(Commercial only)</li><li>Rs. 10/- rebate for 1KWh for solar thermal power plant.(Commercial only)</li><li>100% depreciation for all</li></ol>
The life of solar panel is 25years. The battery life is 5 to 8 years depends upon us.
In the last solar energy is pollution free energy. It helps to reduce global warming. It is energy for future. U.S.A, Canada and Australian govt. are giving individual subsidy
Mahaveer circle , Barmer(Rajasthan)
M: 919829930553