
The Uttar Pradesh water management and regulatory commission bill (2008)

Government of Uttar Pradesh

The Uttar Pradesh Water Management and Regulatory Commission Bill, 2008 aims to provide for the establishment of the Uttar Pradesh Water Management and Regulatory Commission to regulate water resources within the State, facilitate and ensure judicious, equitable and sustainable management, allocation and optimal utilization of water resources for environmentally, economically sustainable development of the State, fix the rates for water use for agriculture, industrial, drinking, power and other purposes and cess on lands benefited by flood protection and drainage works from the owners of lands benefited through appropriate regulatory instruments according to State Water Policy.

The Commission shall work within the framework of the State Water Policy and shall promote and monitor sound water conservation and management practices throughout the State in accordance with State Water Policy through the implementing agencies in the State. Furthermore, it shall support and aid the enhancement and preservation of water quality within the State in close coordination with the relevant State agencies.   

The Commission shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions, namely -

  • to approve the Integrated State Water Plan / Basin Plans developed by State Water Resources Agency to ensure sustainable management of water resources within the parameters laid down by State Water Policy  as amended from time to time;
  • to determine the allocation and distribution of entitlements for various category of use of water at utility, project level and also between various  water  user entity within the parameters laid down by the State Water policy on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed for such a  distribution; 
  • to lay down the criteria for modifications in the entitlements for the diversion, storage and use of surface and ground water of the State;
  • to review and accord clearance to new water resources projects proposed at the river basin / sub-basin level by the concerned entity ensuring that the proposal is in conformity with Integrated State Water Plan specially with respect to the water allocation of each entity, that  is economically, hydro-geologically and environmentally viable; 
  • to establish a system of enforcement, monitoring and measurement of the entitlements for the use of water to ensure that the actual use of water, both in quantity and type of use are in compliance with the entitlements as issued by the Commission.
  • to monitor conservation of environment and facilitate the development of a framework for the preservation and protection of the quality of surface and ground water resources as per established norms and standards;
  • to withdraw the entitlement or take any action as deemed necessary in case any water user entity pollutes or causes to pollute any surface or ground water source of water and thereby infringes the maintenance of established norms and standards for water quality.