
The Andhra Pradesh drainage cess act - The Andhra Pradesh Gazette (1985)

Andhra Pradesh Gazette

The document goes on to give the details of the implementation of the Act and includes:

  • Information on the short title application and commencement
  • Definitions
  • Levy and collection of drainage cess
  • Procedure to be followed before levying drainage cess
  • Establishment of Krishna, Godavari and Pennar Delta drainage board
  • Constitution of the proceeds of drainage cess into a fund and its administration and application
  • Drainage cess and fees payable under this Act, to be treated as public revenue due upon the land
  • Power of government to fix installments etc of drainage cess
  • Exemption or reduction of drainage cess
  • Bar of jurisdiction of civil courts
  • Power of the government to make rules
  • Power of the government to give directions

The original document can be viewed here on the Andhra Pradesh Water Reforms website

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