
Resistance against the Polavaram dam - An EPW article

D J Narendra Bondla, N Sudhakar Rao

This EPW paper studies the various forms of resistance against the construction of Polavaram dam, and notes that the main feature of the struggles has been the involvement of people’s organisations due to the failure of traditional as well as statutory bodies, representatives and regional leadership of mainstream political parties.

The majority of these organisations have been involved in the conscientisation of the tribal population in their demand for identity, autonomy and self-rule.

The first significant protest against Polavaram by the adivasis took place in 2004 and protests have continued ever since. The main intention of such protests has been two-fold, - to express protest against the project, and to prevent government officials from preparing estimates for compensation.

The protests point to a fundamental fundamental question of whether tribals have any choice in the decision of construction of the dam. Given an option they are against the construction of the dam. A large majority of them feel that there is no choice and that their view has not been elicited at all so far by the state machinery.

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