
A comprehensive study of gender issues in slums through JAGORI research: News and policy update from India WASH Forum e-newsletter-October (2012)

India Wash Forum

This bi monthly e-Newsletter by the India WASH Forum provides excerpts of the JAGORI study from two slums of Delhi in 2010-11 that look at gender concerns in the context of slum sanitation in India and make some very useful recommendations.

Next discussed are the key features of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) throwing light on the huge data gap in sanitation between the census 2011 figures and the data reported by the states to the ministry, the rechristening of Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) as Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) and the new funding mechanism that NBA proposes. The newsletter highlights the positive trend that is emerging in neighbouring Bangladesh where the ‘aversion to daughters’ seems to be weakening and ratio of girls to boys is improving.

Excerpts from the National Conference held on 5-6 th Nov 2012, Institute of Rural Research and Development (IRRAD), Gurgaon, on ‘Women Led Water Management’  gives a brief glimpse of the activities and lively discussions held on the challenges faced by women for water mangementand sanitation issues.

The report highlights of Slums Sanitation Study and Public Hearing by JAGORI, Delhi , including the issues raised, peoples testimonies, along with the key findings is given. Finally, it gives details of a new programme to develop better information on water and sanitation performance at the local level to be initiated by Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) University, Ahmedabad, by developing a reliable and sustainable Performance Assessment System  (PAS) for urban areas.
