Urban Sanitation

Rainwater harvesting in urban areas of Karnataka (Government of Karnataka) - Draft policy (2006)

Government of Karnataka

The Rainwater Harvesting Policy (2006) for Karnataka state has evolved out of the need for conserving rainwater and providing facilities for rainwater harvesting, in the context of the growing rate of urbanisation in the state and the rapid depletion of groundwater resources, leading to a water crisis.

The objective of the urban rainwater harvesting policy is to ensure that the available water is put to best possible use in the state by encouraging involvement of  multiple level of stakeholders such  as government and private institutions as well as  citizens, in the appropriate management of rainwater.

The objectives of the policy are to:
• preserve and enhance surface water bodies in urban areas
• provide supplemental water for the urban area needs
• augment soil moisture for urban greenery
• help in recharge of ground water
• mitigate urban floods
• prevent salinity ingress and improve quality of groundwater
• provide environmental and ecological benefits to the urban area including fostering bio diversity

The document goes on to describe the policy statement, the stakeholders involved and the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, the strategy for implementation, legislation support and the implementation timeframe.

Download the document from below:
