
Eastern Himalaya freshwater biodiversity assessment report released by IUCN and Zoo Outreach Organisation

David Allen

Dear all,

IUCN, with Zoo Outreach Organisation, have today published a new report,

'The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the Eastern Himalaya'

, which is available online here

Further information on the project itself can be seen here

IUCN and ZOO, with experts from throughout India, are undertaking a similar assessment of the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot region, encompassing all species of freshwater molluscs, fishes, aquatic plants, and dragonflies and damselflies. Further information, due for completion in mid-2011, is available from our website


Contact Details:

David Allen
Freshwater Biodiversity Unit
Species Programme
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
Email: david.allen@iucn.org
