Guidelines for implementation of National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP)- A document by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India (2012)

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This document by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, is a set of guidelines for the implementation of National Mission on Food Processing, which has the following objectives:

  • To augment the capacity of food processors working to upscale their operations through capital infusion, technology transfer, skill upgradation and handholding support.
  • To support established self help groups working in food processing sector to facilitate them to achieve SME status.
  • Capacity development and skill upgradation through institutional training to ensure sustainable employment opportunities to the people and also to reduce the gap in requirement and availability of skilled manpower in food processing sector.
  • To raise the standards of food safety and hygiene to the globally accepted norms.
  • To facilitate food processing industries to adopt HACCP and ISO certification norms
  • To augment farm gate infrastructure, supply chain logistic, storage and processing capacity.
  • To provide better support system to organized food processing sector.

The document elaborates on the following issues:

  1. Structure of the mission at national and state level
  2. Funding pattern
  3. Criteria for allocation of funds to the states
  4. Component of the mission proposed to be implemented during 2012-2013
  5. Component-wise allocation of funds
  6. Approval procedure
  7. Recall of grants
  8. Convergence with schemes of state governments

Click below to read the full mission document.

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