Precipitation network design for Myntdu-Leska basin in Meghalaya - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study develops a precipitation network design for the Myntdu-Leska basin, which lies near Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, the zone of highest rainfall in the world.
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The study develops a precipitation network design for the Myntdu-Leska basin, which lies near Cherrapunji, the zone of highest rainfall in the world. Network design offers an estimation of the number and location of the rain gauge stations to provide adequate information regarding rainfall falling over the catchment. 

The rainfall data of seven existing raingauge stations, in and around the study area have been analyzed using various methods, which take into account the location and type of basin, and its climate & precipitation characteristics. Apart from IS recommendations, Cv method, key station method and spatial correlation method have been applied in the study.

The study indicates that the accuracy of the existing network in estimating the average areal rainfall is not within the prescribed limits. The various methods indicated that the rainfall in the basin is not sampled well. As per the IS recommendations, the number of stations is sufficient, but their distribution is inappropriate. Moreover, the steep slope necessitates additional raingauge stations in the basin.

To bring the accuracy within reasonable limits, additional four raingauge stations have been proposed in the catchment and their possible locations suggested. These sites need to be located taking into consideration the spatial variability of the rainfall pattern.

Download the report here:

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