Video interview with water expert Avinash Krishnamurthy - Beyond the tap - Managing our water resources

This video episode presents the views on what urban dwellers must do to manage the water in a sustainable and ecologically kinder manner
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This video episode from Chai with Lakshmi presents the views of a sustainable water solutions expert, Avinash Krishnamurthy, on what urban dwellers must do to manage the water in a sustainable and ecologically kinder manner. The looming water crisis in cities, drying up of lakes and reservoirs, the dire consequences of over-exploitation and pollution of groundwater resources has made water management a challenging task in urban areas.

The video starts by posing some important questions – What is the story behind our water supply? Where does it come from? What is our water allowance? How much water is consumed by each of us every day? How is waste water disposed? Mr. Krishnamurthy, stresses on the need to think about the "journey of water" and its implication in terms of our day to day practices.

With a brief background to the impact of urbanisation on water resources, the video draws the example of Bangalore city to showcase how the state water board has gradually shifted from relying on local water bodies from lakes/reservoirs to drawing water from river Cauvery.  This has been a product of rapid urbanisation process of the city. Coupled with this is the emerging  insanitary condition of the city due to inadequate drainage facility. The waste water with no option to find its way to drainage system, finally gets back to ground water thereby poisoning it as well.

Finally it draws attention to the much required attitudinal change among people to deal with water problems. Mr. Krishnamurthy, emphasizes about a balanced mix of simple technology and knowledge that can be easily understood by everyone. At domestic level, using efficient taps and flushes, exploring ways through which domestic water such as soap water, water from washing machines and others can be treated and used for other purposes, changing the plumbing system, the need for laws and policies that strengthens these techniques are some of simple ways, highlighted in the video.

India Water Portal