Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting - A report by National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (2012)

This report is by the National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India is part of the series on household consumer expenditure on utilisation of energy resources for cooking and lightning purposes. The information presented in the report was collected during 2009-10 from 100794 households in 7428 villages and 5263 urban blocks spread over the entire country.
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This report by the National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India is concerned with the break-up of Indian households by

  • Primary source of energy for cooking
  • Primary source of energy for lighting

The breakups for distribution are given separately for rural and urban areas of each state and union territory. Further the report also investigates how the distribution varies across different social groups, occupation and economic level of households as measured by per capita consumption expenditure of households.

The report contains four chapters and four appendices. The main findings of the survey are presented in chapter three and four.

Click below to download the report.

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