A National Conference on Environmental Surveillance for Natural Resource Management is being organised by the School. The participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation to the Conference Secretary by December 28, 2011. The acceptance of the abstract for oral/poster presentation will be communicated by NMU. The abstract should be about 250 words with at least 4/5 keywords and should be submitted in the MS-Word format only (MSOffice 2003-2007). Abstracts for oral/poster presentation will be printed in the conference souvenir. The abstract can also be sent as an email attachment to: esnrm2012@gmail.com
Registration fee covers conference kit, souvenir, refreshment and lunches. Registration fee can be paid through a
School of Environmental & Earth Sciences,
North Maharashtra University,
P.O. Box. No. 80,
Jalgaon 425001
Email: esnrm2012@gmail.com
Website: www.nmu.ac.in