Qualitative and quantitative data analysis pathways

Skills for NGO workers and researchers in the water sector
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Water and Livelihoods Foundation (WLF) is an NGO based in Hyderabad, India. WLF strives towards achieving water security and livelihoods enhancement of poor through community development initiatives, action research & innovations and skill development. Contributing to the skill building of NGOs, development workers and researchers is one of the major objectives of WLF. Over the last six years, WLF organized 13 online, offline and onsite training courses in India and Bhutan.


Objectives of the course

To equip the participants with the essential survival skills in handling qualitative and quantitative data.

Course content

The course content covers but not limited to the following:

  • Types of data – numerical, textural, non-textual, pictorial, symbolic etc.
  • Collection methods – measurements, interviews, surveys, FGDs, ethnography • Research questions and research plan
  • Qualitative data analysis methods
  • Quantitative data analysis methods
  • Blending qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Design of analysis pathways – backflow system in designing baseline / endline data; design of staff performance system 

Quantitative methods assume significance with numerical data and measurements. Qualitative approaches dominate while assessing non-numerical and behavioural aspects, such as, awareness, skills, performance, access and inequality, cohesion etc. The training course will use few real-life examples to demonstrate various qualitative and quantitative methods.

Course fee and method of registration

  • Early bird offer – Applied before 09 Sep 2023 → Rs. 750 per participant
  • Applied after 09 Sep 2023 → Rs.1,250 per participant.

The purpose of this small course fee is only to discourage non-serious participants. Registrations are done through the link: https://forms.gle/gW19sBqoMb8xJTPs5. The
course fee contribution may be done to the bank account of WLF provided in the registration (above) link and payment details filled in. Also, participants are encouraged to suggest specific methods and data types to include in the training curriculum using the registration link above.

For any further enquiries, mail to: wlfoundation@outlook.com (or) call +91 9440194866 (Ramamohan).


The focus is on application of various methods to the given practical situations. Participants are encouraged to practice on their own computers/laptops. The time-lag between sessions is deliberately planned for effective assimilation of inputs and to provide some practice time before the next session begins.

Expected background of participants

NGO staff / researchers / data professionals involved in rural and urban interventions (in agriculture, water conservation, forestry, soil & water conservation, health, education sectors etc.) with basic knowledge of computers.




09.10.2023 to 14.10.2023 (6 days)


4.00-5.30 pm everyday

Registration Link:


Meeting Link:

Shared later with the registered participants

The brochure is attached below

Q & Q Data Analysis training course flyer - WLF Hyd 09-14 Oct 2023.pdf
India Water Portal