Webinar - What Aquatic Ecosystems mean for Indigenous People and Local Communities

Knowledge Exchange Series on Aquatic Resources Management
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NERAQ is pleased to invite you to the sixth episode of the Knowledge Exchange Series on Aquatic Resources Management being organised under NERAQ (Protection and Sustainable Management of Aquatic Resources in the North-eastern Himalayan Region of India) project, jointly implemented by MoEFCC and GIZ.

As always, we endeavour to focus on topics based on your feedback. The upcoming session titled “What Aquatic Ecosystems mean for Indigenous People and Local Communities”, will be held on 26 February 2024 from 02:30 pm to 4:00 pm IST. We hope for your active participation in the session. 

The Knowledge Exchange Series is an endeavour to connect and engage with those interested in aquatic resources of the Northeast region of India including practitioners, government employees, professionals, faculty, researchers, and students through focused discussions on various topics of interest. The past sessions in the series have seen great enthusiasm and active participation from various quarters. The series is being conducted virtually on a monthly basis on www.atingi.org. Attending any session requires a one-time registration on Atingi, which is always free.

A detailed concept of the Knowledge Exchange Series and a description of the upcoming session are attached to this email for your reference. If the topic interests you, please join the session by following these steps:


If you are new here, please follow these steps:

Step 1 Register for free on Atingi

Step 2 Click on the course link and join the webinar session page

Your kind participation in the event will be highly instrumental in enabling an active knowledge-sharing environment.

Concept note _AQXchange.pdf
Flyer_Invite_What ecosystems mean for IPLC.pdf
India Water Portal