Work camp at Van Vadi, a forest-farm near Mumbai, 26th - 28th February 2011, Karjat, Maharashtra

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The Earth Building workshop at Van Vadi in December 2010, attended by about 30, was greatly appreciated by all. Half the participants stayed on for the shram utsav (work camp) following the workshop. Over the next week, we cobbled one small store room cum changing room to half height. The work that remains: adding rafters and a clay tile roof; adding a wooden (or grill) door that can be locked and final plastering, finishing, sculpting, add-ons, etc.
From 26th to 28th February, 2011, we have a hands-on work camp to complete the earth cob room and perhaps do some work on a new toilet. Other jobs we plan to take up are: desilting our shallower stream-bed water bodies; continued documentation of the biodiversity (both flora and fauna) at Van Vadi and exploring further the future evolution of an ecological forest village community and learning alliance at Van Vadi.

If you're interested in helping, mail them as soon as possible:

  • Bharat Mansata:
  • Neesha Noronha:
  • Mayuree Pandit:

Last Date to confirm participation:

15th February 2011

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