The Andhra Pradesh drainage cess act - The Andhra Pradesh Gazette (1985)

This document provides the details of this Act that aims at providing for the levy and collection of Drainage Cess on all lands comprised within the Delta Area of the Krishna, Godavari and Penna rivers in the State of Andhra Pradesh for purpose of raising funds to meet to the expenses incurred on Drainage Schemes undertaken in the said delta area
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The document goes on to give the details of the implementation of the Act and includes:

  • Information on the short title application and commencement
  • Definitions
  • Levy and collection of drainage cess
  • Procedure to be followed before levying drainage cess
  • Establishment of Krishna, Godavari and Pennar Delta drainage board
  • Constitution of the proceeds of drainage cess into a fund and its administration and application
  • Drainage cess and fees payable under this Act, to be treated as public revenue due upon the land
  • Power of government to fix installments etc of drainage cess
  • Exemption or reduction of drainage cess
  • Bar of jurisdiction of civil courts
  • Power of the government to make rules
  • Power of the government to give directions

The original document can be viewed here on the Andhra Pradesh Water Reforms website

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