Flood relief action in Madhepura MurliGanj area in Bihar: Report from Krishna Arpanam, Mumbai and SSVK

A detailed update about Krishna Arpanam, Mumbai and SSVK's work in the flood hit Madhepura MurliGanj area of Bihar
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Response to flood relief needs in Madhepura MurliGanj area:  Update 1

Krishna Arpanam the name for all N. M. Budhrani Trust programs, came true once again, when we were presented with an opportunity to serve those affected by the disaster that struck some of the districts in Bihar. In collaboration with SSVK Bihar, the organization which has the local field level expertise, the "Krishna Arpanam flood relief" program was initiated.

On 5th September '08, a joint team visited the Beldaur Nahar embankment area and the West of Dinapatti railway station area and found the need to support almost 800 families (population of 5600 flood affected people, which includes 2154 children). This stretch is almost 8 to 10kms in length. The team met the DDC, who appreciated the effort. On the same day a letter was submitted to the District Magistrate's office informing them of the work to be carried out, with a copy to the NGO cell located in the same building.

Resources were quickly mobilized and the following program has been implemented:

  • An immediate survey was carried out to assess the need.
  • The survey revealed a need to support 800 families, which included 2154 children. More families are coming back towards this area in the hope to go back to their homes, but, till the water level recedes they have no choice but to stay on this embankment. Thus the numbers to be supported are increasing and as on day (16/09/08) the number of families being supported has already gone up to 956. • Identity slips have been issued to the families thus surveyed.
  • 04 (four) numbers of Krishna Arpanam & SSVK supported relief camps have been set up and the following facilities are being provided to them:

More details and download the entire report as a pdf file read

  1. Two packets of biscuits are given daily to all the children
  2. A cup of milk (200ml) is given to each child 3 times / week
  3. Two full meals, comprising of Rice, Dal, Chokha (mashed potatoes mixed with masala & mustard oil) or Potato curry, is being served to all the 5600 people.
  4. One Polythene sheet (size 15 x 12) has been given to these families to enable them have a roof for their temporary shelter
  5. One health worker with medicines has been posted in each of the camps, who visits each shelter and provides medicine support to those in need. Going further, support from the team of WHO has been established. Efforts to support pregnant women & malnourished children are underway. For these cases weighing scale, blood pressure instrument, ORS, multi-vitamins, calcium, folic acid, iron tablets would be made available with support from WHO shortly.
  6. 8 hand pumps have been installed in this stretch of 10kms, which now gives easy access to clean drinking water to almost 8000 people daily.
  • These relief camps will provide the above services for two months.

To accomplish this cooks from the camp area have been hired. SSVK has supported with 25volunteers that are based in these camps and stay with the flood affected people, to support them and maintain all required records. Food stocks are kept in a school building in Saharsa and transported to the camps when required.

  • As cold season would set in by the first week of October, two blankets and one durry will be provided to each of these families by the first week of October'08.

One of the relief camps thus set up and meal service in progress is shown below:


Download the report as a PDF file (350 KB) -

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