Manual on drought management by the National Institute Disaster Management and the Ministry of Agriculture (2009)

This manual developed by the NIDM presents a comprehensive approach to drought management and recommends measures that can be implemented for effective drought relief and mitigation.
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Manual on Drought Management by the National Institute Disaster Management and the Ministry of Agriculture (2009)
Manual on Drought Management by the National Institute Disaster Management and the Ministry of Agriculture (2009)

It has been prepared with the objective of creating synergy between the various programmes being implemented to provide drought relief and mitigation by several levels of government.

The key issues covered in the manual are:

  • The potential to include employment and area development programmes like National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS).
  • Need for a fresh perspective on drought management through an inter-sectoral approach. 
  • Scientific indices for monitoring drought and a Drought Management Information Systems (DMIS) based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to support decision making.
  • Standard steps devised for management at national and state levels.
  • Monitoring centers at national and state levels to maintain these systems.
  • Diverse practices being followed by States such as monitoring and declaration of drought, preparation and submission of a memorandum for central assistance for drought relief and mitigation. 
  • System for drought management policy and programmes to be followed. 

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