Powerless by choice: Updates from the Eco - Earth Care Optimised magazine's January 2013 issue

Powerless by choice: Updates from the Eco - Earth Care Optimised magazine's January 2013 issue
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Powerless by choice

In India electricity produced is much lesser than needed, and nearly half of it is wasted. In fact about one third electricity is wasted even before it reaches the consumer. This wastage is not only criminal considering that we generate thermal driven power, our energy saving too remains merely a lip service. Eco evaluates how energy efficiency may be improved, benefitting both the economy and the individual.

Tinkering with time

Daylight saving time, i.e. using daylight for energy efficiency, can be a probable answer to the country’s ever increasing energy woes. A debate on various ways to harness the country’s abundant sunshine to save electricity that also discusses the option of different time zones for the country is detailed.

Coastal development - At what cost

Almost a third of India’s coast is undergoing erosion, mainly due to unlawful human activity. Sand mining, ports, industrial projects, ‘development activities, settlements and tourism are all factors leading to coastal degradation, threatening the rich biodiversity and livelihoods of millions. In this article questions on the worth of coastal defence structures and recommendation to reverse pace of coastal erosion are discussed.

Natural connections

This piece illustrates the indigenous  living bridges in Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, that are in complete sync with nature. These ‘living connections’ use local plants to build sturdy bridges, without any adverse impact on the fragile environment.

To read these and more such eco articles in the magazine, click here.

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