Glimpses of the historical water bodies in the Vijaynagar dynasty - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture (2007)

88 Water bodies of the Vijaynagar Empire are either close to or extinct
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This paper uses secondary data to showcase the water bodies that were built in the Vijayanagar Empire. The author states that there were 88 such water bodies and these were used for irrigation purposes and also for consumption.

The paper uses Google Maps to map the location of the water bodies. Besides the historical interest in finding and maintaining these tanks, their construction and engineering could provide lessons today for such type of works. Ancient literature can give the location of these water bodies.

The paper finally provides tabular information on the 88 water bodies. The name of the tank, date constructed and by which ruler is given. More importantly the location of the inscription pertaining to the tank and its information is also shared.

This paper was presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture organised by Kannada University and Sahayoga in 2007.

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