Janki Devi takes the lead in springshed management (Image: Anita Sharma)
Janki Devi takes the lead in springshed management (Image: Anita Sharma)

Transforming lives through springshed development

The collective endeavors of the women's group and the beneficial outcomes of springshed development
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This case study explores the transformative journey of Janki Devi, a resident of Sangnyadi village, located 20 kilometers away from Almora city in India. Janki Devi's life was marked by struggles arising from water scarcity, affecting her family's livelihood and overall well-being. The intervention of CBED (Centre For Business And Entrepreneurial Development) organisation in the form of springshed work brought about significant changes in her life and the lives of other women in her village. This case study delves into the challenges faced by Janki Devi, the collaborative efforts of the women's group, and the positive impact of springshed development on their community.

Janki Devi, residing in Sangnyadi village, has been grappling with challenges related to water scarcity for several years. As a farmer and labourer, her livelihood was directly linked to the availability of water for irrigation and daily needs. Over time, the situation worsened, affecting not only her family's economic condition but also their access to basic necessities such as food and education for their children.

When the team from CBED came to work in their village, Janki Devi's life took a positive turn. CBED focuses on springshed development, aiming to enhance water sources and address water-related challenges in rural areas. The organisation introduced itself to the village and conducted meetings to discuss the prevalent issues. Janki Devi was thrilled to learn that the organization was dedicated to increasing water availability in their area.

Formation of Women's Group

Following CBED's intervention, a women's group was formed in Sangnyadi village, with Janki Devi elected as the treasurer. The group, consisting of 24 women, collectively contributed to a savings fund, depositing 20 rupees per month. 

Before the formation of the group, many women, including Janki Devi, had little knowledge about financial matters. They hesitated to venture outside their homes and were unfamiliar with banking procedures. However, the formation of the women's group became a platform for them to learn and grow.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Participating in monthly group meetings empowered Janki Devi to express her opinions confidently. She learned essential communication skills and gained the courage to address her concerns in larger forums. Additionally, she acquired financial literacy, enabling her to manage the savings fund and conduct transactions at the bank. Janki Devi also attended open meetings at the block and panchayat levels, where she effectively communicated the changes in the village's water sources and educated neighbouring communities about the importance of preserving water resources.

Springshed Development Impact

The springshed development initiative initiated by CBED brought tangible changes to Sangnyadi village. The construction of trenches and pits for water conservation significantly improved the water availability in the spring. The once-diminishing water source now thrives, alleviating the hardships faced by Janki Devi and her community. As a result, the economic condition of her household has improved, and they no longer suffer from water scarcity.

Janki says, “I used to go to fetch water at 4 in the morning earlier, but now I go around 6-7 in the morning. The most significant change is that my daughter now goes to school every day. Earlier, she had to sometimes stay at home just to help me fetch water."

"Previously, I didn't have time to even look at myself, but now I manage to do all my work on time. Due to the lack of water earlier, we couldn't even cultivate our fields. But now, with the increase in water availability, we are able to do minor irrigation for vegetables. Joining the water committee has brought about a change in my life. Taking the discharge of water to determine how many litres the bucket is filling in how much time. Measuring rainfall through the rain gauge to find out how much rain has occurred. Going to the block and informing the Panchayat about our problems," she adds.


Janki Devi's journey from struggling with water scarcity to actively participating in the springshed development initiative showcases the positive impact of community-led environmental interventions. Through the formation of a women's group and collaboration with CBED, she not only overcame her fears but also emerged as a leader in her community. The success of Sangnyadi village in addressing water-related challenges serves as a model for other rural communities facing similar issues. Springshed development, when approached collaboratively, has the potential to transform lives and create sustainable solutions for water scarcity.

This initiative was supported by Frank Water, UK

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