Can this method be truly effective for pollution control in urban areas?

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I am sharing a new idea on pollution control.  This is the only method that I can see in the near future to control pollution in urban areas.

Pollution control

This is of course, a serious problem in developing countries like India and China. When compared to China, India has lesser land, but towns and cities are growing at a much faster rate. Within a few years, I am sure we are going to face more and more problem like this.

How to control

At present we are mainly concentrating on how to control pollution. The number of vehicles on the road is increasing day by day, and some of these vehicles are more than 10 to 15 years. We are releasing huge amount of carbon-di-oxide and carbon mono-oxide into the air. Is it possible to ban those vehicles? If we do so, it will be have a direct impact on pollution .

An alternate method to control pollution

After studying various other alternatives, I realised that 'water' is the only alternative to this. The reasons why  water will work:

    • When compared to other liquids, water is natural & is available in abundance
    • Carbon-di-oxide, carbon mono-oxide and other waste emitted by motor vehicles can be easily mixed/absorbed in water
    • There is no much waste of water, but can be recycled easily

Method of installation:

    • Road dividers may be utilized for this
    • Erect two pipes of 3 to 4 feet height and with a gap of two feet
    • Connect these two pipes, and unfold plastic sheet from starting to end
    • Plastic sheet is raised at the sides and also ends so that water is not spilled
    • Water pipe is connected to both the pipes, raised to a height, so that water is sprayed within sheet only
    • Use modern sprayers to spray water within sheet
    • Material needed is only water pipes, plastic sheets and iron poles

How it will help

    • Water is the only soluble liquid in which carbon-di-oxide and carbon mono-oxide are absorbed
    • When there is air movement these gases and waste passing by water is absorbed. Of course it is very small amount only, but there is no alternative for this
    • It is true that water evaporates and excess heat is absorbed. Slowly temperature will come down
    • If there is flow of water continuously through out day and night, accumulation of pollution is controlled

Water wastage

What are your views on this pollution control method? I am interested in hearing your views & comments.


Sivarami Reddy P

India Water Portal