Status report on Sagar lake - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report attempts to compile all the published works on the Sagar lake in one place including a brief description of the historical and the geographical background of the lake.
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The report attempts to compile all the published works on the Sagar lake in one place. This includes brief description of the historical and the geographical background of the lake, details of water quality analysis carried out in various years, present position of the lake and various schemes proposed and implemented for the improvement of the condition of the lake. 

A number of analytical studies have been carried out on biological aspects of the Sagar lake. The general observations of these studies show a high trophic status and high organic pollution level of the lake. Also, a number of proposals and schemes of various government agencies have been implemented for the renovation of the lake, but due to lack of public awareness as well as scientific approach, the lake continues to be polluted.

The report makes the following recommendation –

  • There is a need for a systematic and scientific approach to deal with the various problems of the lake such as pollution, erosion, siltation and wastewater drainage.
  • Detailed hydrological study on water balance, sedimentation and bathymetry of the lake should be taken up.
  • The drinking and domestic water needs of Sagar city and adjoining areas can be met from the lake itself. A purification programme of the lake water is suggested through diversion of dirty nallahs away from the lake, artificial purification, desiltation and protection of the lake from all sides by developing parks for recreation.
  • There is a need for establishing discharge and siltation measuring stations in the catchment of the lake.
  • Watershed activities should be taken up in the catchment to reduce soil erosion.
  • The small lake should be deepened so that water can be stored in it even during summer season.

There is a need for a scientifically and administratively comprehensive package plan to retrieve the lake from its present condition. The report helps understand the present conditions of the lake and would aid in planning and conducting hydrological studies in future.

Download the report here:

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