World Bank Report and AP High Court Writ Petition on Flourosis situation in Nalgonda District

The World Bank (WB) report on the website, highlights the seriousness of the high fluoride content of the water in Nalgonda district, its impact on the health of the population and the attempts that are being made to deal with the situation.
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The fluorosis section of this website dedicated to Nalgonda district, highlights the acute problem of very high levels of fluoride in the ground water resources of the district and its impact on the health of people - a high prevalence of severe and crippling bone and skeletal deformities. The site has information on the status of the affected people, flouride levels and various articles, petitions and pictures.

World Bank Report

The World Bank (WB) report on the website, highlights the seriousness of the high fluoride content of the water in the district, its impact on the health of the population and the attempts that are being made to deal with the situation.

Most of the drinking water in the district is obtained from groundwater resources and water is mostly obtained from hand pumps or piped water supply schemes. There are very few multi-village/regional schemes that can help in accessing different sources of water. There is a very high prevalence of both dental and skeletal fluorosis among people in the district.

The report goes on to describe the attempts made and the challenges faced by the GoAP and various other agencies such as NEERI, NGRI, various NGOs and external agencies like Royal Netherlands Embassy to combat the problem of high fluoride concentration in the district.

The report identifies possible potential players and their roles in combating the problem and the measures that need to be taken up urgently in the district to tackle the problem.

AP High Court Writ Petition

The High Court of Andhra Pradesh has recently given a judgment on a public interest litigation/petition directing the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) to take necessary measures to ensure potable water to the people.

The High Court writ petition available on the site, highlights the demands of the citizens in the district for urgent action by the government to resolve the situation, the suggestions made to combat the fluorosis problem and the response of the government on the steps that have been undertaken to combat this problem.

The document argues in favour of the petitioner on the basis of right to health, right to life and right to pure water for the citizens and recommends actions to be taken on behalf of the government to deal with this issue.

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